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Mountain Hengshan is in a place 10 kilometers south of Hunyuan County, and 62 kilometers away from Datong City.

It is said that 4,000 years ago, when Emperor “Shun” hunted around, he saw such a magnificent mountain that he named it “North Mountain”, one of “the Five Famous Mountains in China”, namely Mountain Taishan as “East Mountain”, Mountain Huashan as “West Mountain”, Mountain Hengshan as “South Mountain” and Mountain Songshan as “Middle Mountain”.

With a total length of 250 kilometers from east to west,Mountain Hengshan stretches north of the Great Wall, connects Mountain Taihang in the east, strides across Yanmen Pass in the west, borders “Sanjin” in the south and overlooks “Yundai” in the north. It is the watershed of the “Sanggan River”, a tributary of the Haihe River, and the “Hutuo River”, and a strategic passage leading from the tablelands of the north of the Great Wall to Jizhong Plain. Moreover, it is claimed as “A famous mountain of strategic importance” and “the second mountain on earth”.

Edit by: Joanna
Mountain Hengshan
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